Tuesday, January 26, 2010

me time

Wahoo! A little me time all to myself! DH has the three kids and is dropping off the brother-in-law across town. I have almost a whole hour to myself. What to do? I could watch an episode of 'Bones', take a bath, do more tidy-up, exercise, plan out tomorrow but no, I'm here at the laptop as my alone time.
It is sooo easy to type with both hands, sometimes I forget what it's like. Usually the other hand is busy supporting the busiest as she falls asleep nursing. And I mean busy. Even falling asleep, her toes and fingers manage to make their way onto the keyboard. Typing quickly with one hand is a skill that should be taught in pre-natal classes. Too bad she's too big to swaddle.
I can hear myself think. Wow. It really should not be underestimated how much noise two short ones can make. No "Mom, come and see what BG is doing!" or "SCREECH! Mine! SCREECH! Mine" (BG doesn't have alot of words yet) nor do I hear that most ominous of sounds-nothing. That means getting up and looking for the two quiet ones and pulling them away from whatever they have gotten into-makeup, playdo, beads, crayons, markers, glue...you get the idea. It's not like I leave it out, they just find it. BG is a climber and DD is sometimes a follower. DD is usually really good at following the rules, unless breaking them is something she really wants to do.
I could just go to sleep. I realize it is only 8:00. If Heart and Stroke weren't dropping off my volunteering package, I think that is where I would most like to be. If I went to bed now, I could conceivably get a three hour stretch of uninterrupted sleep. That would be so cool. A typical night right now- DS and DD start bedtime about 7:30, in bed by 8:00, songs until 8:15. BG is carrying on all this time. BG in bed at 9:00, falling asleep 9:45. Bathroom break until 10:15 or so. DD pottied ( the verb meaning put on the potty) at 10:45. BG nurses about three times in the night. DD wakes about twice in the night. DS sleepwalks or nightmares every third night or so. Nights are challenging. Naps, when we get them are very helpful at maintaining our sanity.

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