Friday, September 26, 2008

September's last week

Well, the last week has been fun. I locked myself out of the house on Sunday. My neighbour used his extension ladder to go in through the only open window in the house. I knew it was the only window that was open because I had gone around before I left, locking them all. Thank God for small favours, as my DH, DD and DS were out of town and I had BG with me. My DH managed to lock us out on Wednesday. sigh. At least our back door was wide open:)
BG began sitting up this week. That is so exciting. I still remember when DS did it for the first time. It's such a thrill. Mind, I haven't yet written it into her baby book. these things take time, you know.
DD is struggling with the night weaning. We (I) am too tired to nurse two littles at night. It was like they were taking turns waking up to nurse every hour. It's not so bad when you don't have to completely wake up, but when DD says "I want mama milk" quite loudly at regular intervals throughout the night, I get a little (lot) annoyed.
Now the rule is no nursing upstairs for DD. She doesn't like it much, but it's better than cutting her off cold turkey. We learned our lesson when I was pg with BG, though. We tried the night weaning thing then but it wasn't a consistent thing. We tried substituting a bottle of water for her nursings then. She woke up a lot, and we had to change her diaper a lot too. We aren't substituting with a bottle of water this time. This time she just gets cuddles. It's going to get better, that's what I keep telling myself.

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